Management of Leukemia

Managing leukemia; How to prevent leukemia; treatment plans available to leukemia; how to diagnose leukemia
Medical Tutors Limited
November 23, 2020

12:58 PM

Managing leukemia properly can help to prevent any adverse effect that could possible lead to death. The management of leukemia involves early diagnosis and appropriate treatment in accordance to the general health status of the individual involved.

Leukemia, a cancer that affects the blood system can be very deadly if it is not properly managed among humans. Proper management of leukemia would include early diagnosing, using the appropriate treatment plans available according to their general health. Although leukemia can’t be completely prevented, yet efforts to manage it can help in saving the lives of affected persons.

Diagnosis of Leukemia

Getting tested or checked through routine blood test could help detect any form of leukemia in the body system, most especially chronic leukemia. Once an individual body starts showing signs or symptoms that suggest leukemia, it is important to undergo one of the following diagnostic tests.

  • Physical Examination: Here, the doctor inquires about the various symptoms the patient might be experiencing, and also check for any physical signs that includes; lymph nodes swelling; enlargement of the liver and spleen; and also pale skin.
  • Complete Blood Count: This is having the details of the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelet. Once the count is lower than the normal counts of red blood cells and platelets, and there is an abnormal number of white blood cells; then leukemia is present in the body system.
  • Blood Cell Examination: This test would help to detect any shape of blood cells detected in the body, and also various form of substances that had been released into the body system.
  • Bone Marrow Biopsy: For this type of test to be carried out, the hematologist will take certain sample of the bone marrow for examination under a microscope.
  • Cytogenetic Testing: Cytogenetic testing involves identifying the genetic make-up of the cancerous cells.
  • Imaging and Other Tests: Imaging tests such as chest X-ray, CT scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans might be recommended if there are symptoms that indicate a complication of the leukemia. A lumbar puncture (also called a spinal tap) may be used to see if the cancer had spread to the spinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

Treatment of Leukemia

Treating leukemia can be dependent on so many factors such as the general overall health, age, and the probability of not spreading to other organs of the body. For people who have chronic leukemia due to having no symptoms, treating may include close monitoring of the disease and commencement of treatment once the symptom develops.

Treatments for leukemia include chemotherapy, biological (immunotherapy) therapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and stem cell transplant. Although chronic leukemia is unlikely to be cured with treatment, but treatments are often able to control the cancer and manage symptoms. Some people with chronic leukemia may be candidates for stem cell transplantation, which does offer a chance for cure.

Also treating leukemia can be carried out in three stages:

  • Induction: The aim of the initial stage of treatment is to kill the leukemia cells in the bone marrow, and restore blood for proper working order and resolve any symptoms
  • Consolidation: The aim is to kill any remaining leukemia cells that may be present in central nervous system.
  • Maintenance: The final stage involves taking regular doses of chemotherapy tablets to prevent the leukemia from returning.

Treatment Options of Leukemia

  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the most used form of treatment for leukemia. It is the administration of drugs to help kill leukemia or stop the cells from dividing. Depending on the type of leukemia an individual might have, single drug or a combination of drugs may be used. These drugs are usually injected into the body system through the vein, but also might be available in pill form. The side effects of chemotherapy depend on the particular drugs taken and the dosage or regimen. Some side effects from chemotherapy drugs include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, and loss of appetite, tiredness, easy bruising or bleeding, and an increased chance of infection due to the destruction of white blood cells.
  • Biological Therapy (Immunotherapy): Biological therapy is the use of certain treatments (certain drugs) that helps boost the immune system to recognize and attack leukemia cells. It side effects include rashes or swelling at injected areas, headaches, muscular pains, fever or tiredness.
  • Radiation Therapy: This is using x-rays and/or strong beams of energy to kill leukemia cells or stop them from growing. It can also be used to treat leukemia that has spread to the brain, or a targeted area where leukemia cells are found. It side effects are dependent on the location of the body where the radiation had taken place. For example, radiation to the abdomen can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Targeted Therapy: This is the use of specific drugs to attack some specific weakness within the cancer cells. It helps to block the ability of leukemia cells to multiply and divide, cutting off the blood supply needed for the cells to live, or killing the cells directly. It side effects can include swelling, bloating, and sudden weight gain. Other side effects can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, or rash.
  • Stem Cell Transplant: This is replacing the affected bone marrow of an individual with an healthy bone marrow. It is usually carried out after the person might have gone through chemotherapy or radiation therapy to kill the leukemia cells in the bone marrow.

Other Treatment Plans

  • Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Treatment: Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell treatment is a new form of treatment in which a patient's own normal T lymphocytes are re-engineered in a laboratory to attack the leukemia cells and are then reintroduced into the patient's bloodstream.
  • Supportive Treatments: This treatment method is used to help prevent any form of complications that might arise after other treatment plans. This is because many of the treatments for leukemia deplete normal blood cells, increasing the risk for bleeding and infection. These supportive treatments includes: vaccination against flu or pneumonia; blood or platelet transfusions; antibiotics or antibiotics; immunoglobulin injections to fight infections.

Prevention of Leukemia

People who mostly develop leukemia do not have any known risk factors, therefore making it generally impossible to prevent leukemia. Though certain risk factors, such as exposure to radiation or benzene, may be minimized, but this does not guarantee prevention of leukemia.


The prognosis of leukemia depends upon the type of leukemia present in the blood system, also the age and health status of the person involved. The deaths rates for leukemia over the years have shown to be higher in elderly persons than younger adults and children, yet there have been certain improvement in result gotten from recent and new treatment plans used.

Presently, leukemia have be found to be manageable or cured with various treatment plans available.

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