Simple Ways To Prevent Cholera At Home

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Medical Tutors
September 17, 2018

05:57 PM

Preventing cholera in the home can be very simple if daily sanitation and hygiene routines can be followed religiously.

Cholera has been declared in a few Nigerian States in the past few months. The State Commissioner of Health in Borno State also recently announced an outbreak of the disease in the state. This comes after series of outbreaks have reported other states like Niger and Adamawa. 

This represents a pattern and quick measures must be put in place to bring the disease under control.

While the Government is doing everything it can to bring the situation under control, individual citizens can also do well to protect themselves and their families from the disease.

Preventing cholera in the home can be very simple if daily sanitation and hygiene routines can be followed religiously.


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  • Thoroughly wash hands after making use of the toilet.
  • Sanitize hands properly after cleaning the toilet (hand sanitizers are very good for this purpose).
  • Wash hands properly before preparing food for the family.
  • When caring for sick members of the family, always wear gloves and or plastic gloves over your hands. Cholera germs can live in body fluids like vomit and diarrhoea.

Water Care…

Image result for Black woman drinking water image

  • Never drink water when it is not treated
  • Always treat water meant for the home with at least two basic methods:
  • Filter water and add chlorine or lime. You can also use sunlight or direct heat as in the case of boiling.


  • Food options like shellfish and most fishes should not be eaten unless they are well cooked.
  • Cook your food thoroughly and always eat it while it is hot.
  • Avoid mixing raw food with cooked food (salad).
  • When members of the family are sick, do not allow them to prepare food.
  • Do not allow family members to share food from a common bowl. This may increase the spread of the disease from person to person.
  • Do not eat fruits when they are not properly washed with treated water, peel the bark off if there is no water.

Doing all of these things may not be easy but they can help prevent the possibilities of any member getting cholera.  However, when a member of the family begins to show signs and symptoms of the disease, contact the nearest healthcare centre for proper care.




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